Hong Kong Airport Express Train (AEL) Ticket

Hongkong Airport Express Train Tickets (AEL)
$8.29 /Adult (> 12 years old)
  • Befreetour
    1 Day
  • Befreetour
    Minimum Order
    1 Person
  • Befreetour
    Not Available
  • Befreetour
    English, Indonesia,
  • Befreetour
    Confirm Time
    24 Hrs
  • Befreetour
    Ticket Type
    E - Voucher

Most Recent Review

  1. 승민
    승민    2019-05-21

    17(금) ~ 19(일) 홍콩 다녀오면서 귀국날에 AEL를 사용해봤는데 엄청 좋습니다. 장점만 간단히 요약하자면, 1. 구룡역에서 미리 체크인이 가능함 (짐을 미리 보내둔 덕분에 공항에서 체크인 대기할 필요도 없고, 수하물없이 아주 편하게 다닐 수 있었음) 2. 구룡역에서 공항까지 10분? 15분? 남짓정도로 엄청 빠르다. (공항에서 N21 버스타고 침사추이 갔었는데, 안 막히는 새벽인데도 1시간 걸림) 3. 이용이 어렵지 않음 (현지에서 별도 프린트없이 QR 코드만 캡쳐해서 탑승구에 스캔했음) +추가 18(토) 오전에 예약 완료했다가, 업무일 기준으로최소 이용 예전 48시간 이전에 예약해야된다 약정을 보고 환불도 안되서 엄청 걱정했었는데 1시간 반 뒤에 바우쳐 메일 받았습니다. 다음에 홍콩가면 또 구매할 의사가 있습니다. 짱짱 좋습니다.

    See all 4 reviews


  • Hong Kong Airport Express Train (AEL) Ticket takes you to the center of Hong Kong in the fastest and coziest way.
  • You do not need a physical ticket, just transfer the ticket at the destination
  • Get free shuttle bus and porter services at the station
  • Convenient In-town Check-in at the Hong Kong and Kowloon Stations
  • The cheapest airport transfer tickets in Hong Kong
  • By paying for the airport express Hongkong fare, arrive at the station in less than 30 minutes

Additional Info

Service Include:

  • MTR Airport Express Line Tickets between HKIA and Hong Kong Island, Kowloon or Tsing Yi stations
  • Various package choices (One way or round trip)


  • To / From Hong Kong Island:
    • First train: 5:50 am
    • Last train: 0:48 am
    • Frequency: 10 minutes
    • Duration: 24 min
  • To / From Kowloon:
    • First train: 5:53 am
    • Last train: 0:52 am
    • Frequency: 10 minutes
    • Duration: 22 min
  • To / From Tsing Yi:
    • First train: 6:00 am
    • Last train: 0:59 am
    • Frequency: 10 minutes
    • Duration: 14 min
  • Check the Timetable here

Insider Tips:

  • Many airlines offer check-in services at the station. Thus, you can put luggage in Hong Kong or at Kowloon Station for 90 minutes to 1 full day before the flight schedule. That means you have more time to walk and relieve stress!!! See here for detail
  • Make sure to sit in the back seat (Car 1 or 7) to use an outlet. Don't forget, free Wi-Fi is also provided for passengers!

Additional Information:

  • Return trip on the same day is only valid for Octopus Card holders. One-way QR tickets cannot be used for return trips on the same day
  • Place the mobile device on the brightest part of the scanner & scan the QR Code
  • The best scan distance is about 2-3 cm from the gate sensor

How To Use

Voucher Usage

  • Scan the QR code on your mobile voucher or the printed voucher to enter the gate directly
  • Roundtrip QR Codes entitle the passenger to two Airport Express journeys. Passengers must use the same QR Code to travel from certain stations
  • Passengers who use the Free In-town Check-in service must use the same QR Code as the previous service
  • Children's tickets can only be used for children aged 3-11 years, you may have to show the identity or passport that applies to the exchange process
  • Do not provide QR Code information to others to avoid undesirable things


  • One way journey QR Code: the QR Code must be used within 90 days from the date of purchase
  • Roundtrip journey QR Code: The first journey must be made within 90 days from the date of purchase, whereas the second journey must be made within 30 days from the date of the first journey

How It Works:

  • From the airport: You don't need a ticket to take the train from the airport. When you arrive at the destination, scan the QR Code to enter the gate
  • From the city: Simply scan the QR Code and enter through the gate

Package Options

Hong Kong Station (One Way)

Adult (> 12 years old)
$ 14.06

Hong Kong Station (Round Trip)

$ 26.34

Kowloon Station (One Way)

Adult (> 12 years old)
$ 12.88

Kowloon Station (Round Trip)

$ 23.68

Tsing Yi Station (One Way)

Adult (> 12 years old)
$ 8.29

Tsing Yi Station (Round Trip)

$ 15.39


With your Hong Kong Airport Express Train (AEL) Ticket, you will immediately take the express train and enjoy free wifi on the train. This train will take you to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, or Tsing Yi areas. In less than 30 minutes you will arrive in downtown Hong Kong. You do not need to redeem your e-voucher. Just show the voucher and you are free to use this Airport Express Hong Kong. It's super cheap and easy to enjoy this transportation. Best price guaranteed!

Instant Booking

This product is instant booking, a voucher will be sent by email within one hour after payment of business hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use this ticket to travel from the Airport Express Stations in the city to Hong Kong Airport (Tsing Yi/Kowloon/ Hong Kong Stations to HK International Airport Station)? 
A: Yes. These one way tickets are valid in either direction (city->airport or airport->city). If you wish to use it from the city to the airport, simply scan the QR code and pass through the gate directly, no ticket redeem needed.

Q: Can I buy a child ticket here?
A: Yes, we sell child tickets for single trip journeys but unfortunately there is no child tickets for round trip journeys. You can buy 2 child single trip tickets to make a round trip here. Or, you can buy the child round trip ticket at any Airport Express Customer Service Centre or Ticket Issuing Machine.

Q: I made a mistake when choosing the stations. Can I change my ticket?
A: Yes. If you want to get off at a further station, you will need to pay the full retail price fare difference at the Airport Express Customer Service Counter by showing your QR code to the service staff. You can also get off at an earlier station but you will not be able to get a refund for the difference in fares.

Cancel Info

  • Once booking has been made, no cancellations is allowed


4 Reviews
  1. 승민
    승민     2019-05-21

    17(금) ~ 19(일) 홍콩 다녀오면서 귀국날에 AEL를 사용해봤는데 엄청 좋습니다. 장점만 간단히 요약하자면, 1. 구룡역에서 미리 체크인이 가능함 (짐을 미리 보내둔 덕분에 공항에서 체크인 대기할 필요도 없고, 수하물없이 아주 편하게 다닐 수 있었음) 2. 구룡역에서 공항까지 10분? 15분? 남짓정도로 엄청 빠르다. (공항에서 N21 버스타고 침사추이 갔었는데, 안 막히는 새벽인데도 1시간 걸림) 3. 이용이 어렵지 않음 (현지에서 별도 프린트없이 QR 코드만 캡쳐해서 탑승구에 스캔했음) +추가 18(토) 오전에 예약 완료했다가, 업무일 기준으로최소 이용 예전 48시간 이전에 예약해야된다 약정을 보고 환불도 안되서 엄청 걱정했었는데 1시간 반 뒤에 바우쳐 메일 받았습니다. 다음에 홍콩가면 또 구매할 의사가 있습니다. 짱짱 좋습니다.

  1. Guest
    Guest     2019-04-27

    빠르고 편리해서 정말 좋았어요!

  1. 민쓰
    민쓰     2018-10-04

    큐알코드로 쉽게 이용해서 편하네요. 빅버스투어도 여기서 예약했는데 이번 홍콩여행은 비프리투어 덕분에 편하게 즐기다갑니다.

  1. 신민규
    신민규     2017-12-25

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