Taiwan EasyCard

Taiwan EasyCard
$2.96 /Card (Unite Traveler Counter Pick Up)
  • Befreetour
  • Befreetour
    Minimum Order
    1 Person
  • Befreetour
    Not Available
  • Befreetour
  • Befreetour
    Confirm Time
    24 Hrs
  • Befreetour
    Ticket Type
    E - Voucher

Most Recent Review

  1. -
    -    2020-01-20

    예약을 한 후 공항에서 쉽고 빠르게 수령할 수 있었습니다. 4박5일 동안 대만 가오슝, 화롄 지역에서 편의점, 버스, 지하철 등을 이용할 때 사용했어요.

    See all 5 reviews


  • Use Taiwan's cashless public transportation system, just tap and go
  • Use at convenience stores and shops to buy small items
  • Can be refilled at a number of convenient locations

Additional Info

  • You will receive a confirmation email and a ticket immediately after you place your order.
  • If you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder or notify us via email.

Includes :

  • Taiwan Easy Card (No money loaded on the card or TWD200 Deposit or TWD400 Deposit, will depends on your option)

Excludes :

  • Top up fees for EasyCard

Additional information

  • Please check the service hours of the ticketing counter before making a reservation to ensure that it aligns with your flight schedule.
  • Eligibility for reservations: All passengers. If you wish to purchase a discounted card, please approach the ticketing counter.
  • The EasyCard has no expiration date and can only be used by one person at a time
  • Deposit value before using your card as it will have no preloaded balance. Approach staff at any Taipei Metro Station to refund the remaining balance of your card (if any) in cash once you're done using the EasyCard. A service fee of TWD20 may be charged. You can no longer deposit any amount in your card after this
  • If your EasyCard is damaged during use, please contact the EasyCard Company customer service hotline at (02)412-8880 or bring your EasyCard to the inquiry counter at Taipei Metro stations for further assistance and replacement.
  • You can use this card at many souvenir shops, department stores, and restaurants in the scenic area

How To Use

  • You will get confirmation once your payment is complete. If you don't get any confirmation, contact our customer support.
  • You are required to redeem the EasyCard at the designated service counters. The E-voucher is NOT valid for boarding.
  • Concession Easycard (Children eligible under relevant legislation to purchase children's tickets, seniors aged over 65 and persons registered as disabled) can be purchased at designated airport counters.
  • You can get refund if you haven't redeem the voucher
  • The voucher is valid for 180 days from the date you made the booking

Redemption Point :

Package Options

[Taoyuan Airport] Easy Card

Card (Unite Traveler Counter Pick Up)
$ 2.96

EasyCard with TWD200 Deposit

Card (Unite Traveler Counter Pick Up)
$ 10.09

EasyCard with TWD400 Deposit

Card (Unite Traveler Counter Pick Up)
$ 17.51


Enjoy an easier way to roam in Taiwan with EasyCard! Travel to every corner of Taiwan by public transportation including MRT, train, bus and bicycle, and enjoy discounts at many designated retail stores and convenience stores. Travel on the MRT network, light rail, Taiwanese trains, ferries and buses as well as purchasing in many shops.

Instant Booking

This product is instant booking, a voucher will be sent by email within one hour after payment of business hours.

Cancel Info

  • This product is non-cancellable and non-refundable.



11 Reviews
  1. -
    -     2020-01-20

    예약을 한 후 공항에서 쉽고 빠르게 수령할 수 있었습니다. 4박5일 동안 대만 가오슝, 화롄 지역에서 편의점, 버스, 지하철 등을 이용할 때 사용했어요.

  1. 김민정
    김민정     2020-01-16

    새벽비행기라서 가서 못찾을까봐 미리 김해공항에서 수령해서 갔는데 디자인도 귀엽고 여행내내 잘썼습니다~!

  1. 오민지
    오민지     2020-01-15

    카드의 캐릭터 배정이 랜덤식이었는데, 다행이도 일본 캐릭터가 아닌 라인 캐릭터로 수령받아 더욱 마음에 듭니다. 덕분에 잘 사용하여 편안한 여행이 될 것 같습니다. 감사합니다~

  1. 이경열
    이경열     2019-12-03

    아쉬웠어요ㅡ,,,선택할 수 있는줄 알고 구매해갔는데.....헬로우 키티랑 암튼.... 이쁘긴 하나~선택할 수 있는게아니더라고요,,,그리고...직원분 완전 불친절해요~

  1. 신형화
    신형화     2019-09-15

    현지에서 구입한 사람들은 직사각형의 멋없는 카드였는데 이건 가방 장식으로 써도 될만큼 이쁘고 깜찍해서 너무 마음에 들었어요. 일부러 환불하지 않고 갖고 왔어요. 2년안에 대만 꼭 가야겠어요 ㅋㅋ

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